Banned Books Week falls on October 1st through October 7th this year. The American Library Association collects data on reports of challenged or outright banned books. This data is then compiled into lists and helpful infographics for public viewing. Feel free to check out their website here to see why these books were challenged.
Text 989-319-1079
Circulation 989-686-9310
Research 989-686-9560
Challenged for: LGBTQIA+ content, claimed to be sexually explicit
Challenged for: Depiction of sexual abuse, EDI content, claimed to be sexually explicit
Challenged for: LGBTQIA+ content, claimed to be sexually explicit
Challenged for: Profanity, claimed to be sexually explicit
Challenged for: Drug use, claimed to be sexually explicit
Challenged for: Profanity, claimed to be sexually explicit
Challenged for: Depictions of abuse, claimed to be sexually explicit
Find more of the top frequently challenged books at the American Library Association that we don't have on our shelves like:
Don't forget, you can always request books through MelCat or Interlibrary Loan