Booked for Lunch: Home

Yellow banner showing book spines that reads Booked for Lunch Delta College Library Bookclub

Contact the Librarian

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Carol Whittaker
Delta College Library
1961 Delta Road
University Center, MI 48710

2024-2025 Book Selections

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2024-2025 Meeting Dates:

Date Time Location Book Title
Tuesday, October 29th, 2024  12pm-1pm J-131 (Delta College main campus) or via Zoom  Joyland by Stephen King
Monday, December 9th, 2024 12pm-1pm J-131 (Delta College main campus) or via Zoom

Anthropocene Reviewed by John Greene

Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 12pm-1pm J-131 (Delta College main campus) or via Zoom

Persepolis by Marjane Strapani

Tuesday, April 15th 2025

Register for Book Club

12pm-1pm J-131 (Delta College main campus) or via Zoom

Kindred by Octavia Butler

Please register (when registration becomes available) if you plan to attend so we can plan accordingly. Zoom link will be provided in registration confirmation.  

About the Booked for Lunch Book Club

The Booked for Lunch Book Club is open to the entire Delta College community, including students, staff, faculty and community members. The Book Club is facilitated by Delta College Library and will be a space to read and discuss popular fiction, non-fiction and graphic novels in a relaxed atmosphere. You can attend in-person on the Delta College main campus or virtually. Attendees will need to acquire book selections on their own but all titles have many copies available through local public libraries and MeLCat. Please contact Booked for Lunch coordinator Carol Whittaker or Delta Library staff if you need assistance finding a copy of the book. You do not need to read the book to attend Book Club! I hope to leave a few minutes at each meeting to talk about books in general and to hear what you've been reading. I hope to see you at book club this year!

Booked for Lunch does not qualify for Delta College Professional Development credit.

**Please contact Carol Whittaker if you need any accommodations such as an interpreter to attend Booked for Lunch.

Kindred by Octavia Butler (April 15th, 2025)

Register for Book Club

How do I find a copy of the book?

  • We have a copy of Kindred in the Delta College Library.
  • Find a copy of the book through Valley Library Consortium. Either request to have the book delivered to Delta College Library using your Delta Library Account number or pick the book up at your local library (Bay County Library System, Public Libraries of Saginaw, etc.).
  • Find a copy through the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library (Midland).
  • Find a copy through MelCat and request to have the book delivered to Delta College Library using your Delta Library Account number.
  • Request a copy of the book by completing the Library Interlibrary Loan Request form and we will contact you when it comes in (Library Account not needed when you submit request, set it up when you pick up the book).
  • Need a Delta Library Account? Come visit the library front desk to create your Library Account!
  • Need assistance finding a copy of this book? Contact Librarian Carol Whittaker.

Joyland by Stephen King (October 29th, 2024)

How do I find a copy of the book?

  • We don't have a copy of Joyland in the Delta College Library. Use one of the following methods to borrow a copy from another library.
  • Find a copy of the book through Valley Library Consortium. Either request to have the book delivered to Delta College Library using your Delta Library Account number or pick the book up at your local library (Bay County Library System, Public Libraries of Saginaw, etc.).
  • Find a copy through the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library (Midland).
  • Find a copy through MelCat and request to have the book delivered to Delta College Library using your Delta Library Account number.
  • Request a copy of the book by completing the Library Interlibrary Loan Request form and we will contact you when it comes in (Library Account not needed when you submit request, set it up when you pick up the book).
  • Need a Delta Library Account? Come visit the library front desk to create your Library Account!
  • Need assistance finding a copy of this book? Contact Librarian Carol Whittaker.

The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green (December 9th, 2024)

How do I find a copy of the book?

  • We have a copy of The Antropocene Reviewed in the Delta College Library. 
  • Find a copy of the book through Valley Library Consortium. Either request to have the book delivered to Delta College Library using your Delta Library Account number or pick the book up at your local library (Bay County Library System, Public Libraries of Saginaw, etc.).
  • Find a copy through the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library (Midland).
  • Find a copy through MelCat and request to have the book delivered to Delta College Library using your Delta Library Account number.
  • Request a copy of the book by completing the Library Interlibrary Loan Request form and we will contact you when it comes in (Library Account not needed when you submit request, set it up when you pick up the book).
  • Need a Delta Library Account? Come visit the library front desk to create your Library Account!
  • Need assistance finding a copy of this book? Contact Librarian Carol Whittaker.

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi (February 11th, 2025)

Register for Book Club

How do I find a copy of the book?

  • We have a copy of Persepolis in the Delta College Library.
  • Find a copy of the book through Valley Library Consortium. Either request to have the book delivered to Delta College Library using your Delta Library Account number or pick the book up at your local library (Bay County Library System, Public Libraries of Saginaw, etc.).
  • Find a copy through the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library (Midland).
  • Find a copy through MelCat and request to have the book delivered to Delta College Library using your Delta Library Account number.
  • Request a copy of the book by completing the Library Interlibrary Loan Request form and we will contact you when it comes in (Library Account not needed when you submit request, set it up when you pick up the book).
  • Need a Delta Library Account? Come visit the library front desk to create your Library Account!
  • Need assistance finding a copy of this book? Contact Librarian Carol Whittaker.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Booked for Lunch qualify as Professional Development credit?
    No, unfortunately this book club does not qualify for Professional Development credit.
  • Is there only one meeting time to discuss each book?
    Yes, there is only one meeting time to discuss each book. There are no plans to record book discussions.  
  • Do I need to read the book or finish the book to attend book club?
    No! You can just come and listen to discussion or to decide if you might want to read the book in the future. We can't guarantee there won't be spoilers though!
  • Do I need to prepare any questions or anything before coming to book club?
    No, the Librarian will bring questions and lead the discussion. But please do bring any questions you'd like to ask, comments, opinions, etc. Your level of participation is completely up to you. It's okay if you just want to listen to the discussion. 
  • How were the books chosen for book club?
    Titles were chosen based on discussions at the previous hears book clubs about what people liked to read, books having diverse characters, having been well-reviewed and having a lot of copies in multiple formats available at local libraries. Hopefully we can gather ideas for additional titles for future meetings as the club gets established. We would like to have a good rotation of genres and inclusive stories and characters.  
  • Can I bring my lunch to Booked for Lunch?
    Yes! You are welcome to eat your lunch at book club.
  • Will there be cookies?
    There may or may not be cookies :)


2023-2024 Book Selections