To find the article you need for your OAT 151 assignment, use OneSearch or the EBSCO databases search interface.
1. Plug your keywords into the search interface. Remember, it's a good idea to start with one or two keywords and add a third if you need to narrow your search.
2. Using an "AND" search will produce fewer results, and using an "OR" search will produce more results.
3. Using an asterisk (*) with a word root will produce all results containing that root. For example Chin* will search for China, Chinese, and chins.
To narrow your search further, and to make sure the article you find meets your assignment requirements, use the limits under "Refine Results."
Go through your search results and find an article that you think will work for your assignment. Remember to check that it is at least one page long. When you choose an article, click on the title to see more information about it.