In his first full-length collection, Donny Winter takes readers on a journey through his experiences as a gay man living in rural Michigan. His confessional poems, framed in both experimental free verse and tanka styles, use multiple nature-themed metaphors to create commentaries about LGBTQ+ healing and mental health, while also weaving a pro-environmental narrative acknowledging our planet's trauma. Together, our bodies hold history much as our planet does, and Carbon Footprint acts as a written fossilized record mapping a way toward healing through unearthing our own histories.
In his first sophomore collection of poems, Donny Winter takes readers on a perilous adventure through a futuristic and dystopian world. His experimental free verse poems use science fiction, natural, and pop cultural images to metaphorically illustrate his experiences as a gay man navigating the different obstacles society presents after coming out. These poems create a cyberpunk inspired symbolic world centered around the cyberog, Solace Arcane, who seeks to understand their existence free of oppressive forces and strives to unlearn the programming given to them by their oppressive creator. Together, our bodies are welded and soldered by the forces of those seeking to silence, erase, or oppress. Feats of Alchemy acts as a circuit board connecting us with pathways toward a self-sovereignty beyond artifice. --back cover.
Articles, commentary, personality profiles, reviews and book reviews representing a wide variety of gay and lesbian ideas and perspectives. [Print editions available in the Library]
Focuses on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender families, posing challenging questions and drawing on the wisdom of mental health experts who have been offering concrete advice and creative solutions to les-bi-gay families for years.
Publishes quantitative and qualitative psychological research on sexualities. The journal will advance knowledge and understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues in psychology and allied disciplines.
Delta College has professional counselors on staff, so you have someone to go to when you need it. It's part of how Delta supports its students and their success. Counseling services are voluntary, confidential, and free to students. All Counselors are knowledgeable regarding LGBTQ+ issues and concerns.
The Stonewall Book Awards of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Round Table of ALA are given annually to English-language works of exceptional merit relating to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender experience, This is the complete list of all Stonewall Book Awards winner and honors, for fiction, nonfiction, children's and young adult literature from 1971-present.