You are using the "TEAR" criteria for evaluating information for this assignment. Transparency is a must, then look for at least one other - expertise, accuracy, and/or reputation - in order to use it. Remember, T + 1 = source credibility.
Who wrote it or sponsored the site?
Can you find the name of the author or organization?
Can you learn more about the organization on an "about us" page?
Is the person or organization an expert in the field?
Is the author's name posted?
Can you learn more about the author by clicking on the name or doing a google search?
Is a biography provided?
What is the purpose of the organization?
Can the information be verified elsewhere?
Where does the information come from?
Are References listed?
Can you get to studies mentioned? Do the links work and provide the information expected?
Can you verify information on another site?
Awards, accolades, rankings, history?
Author awards?
How long has the organization been active? Who are the members?