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APA Format and Style Guide

APA Style for Audiovisual Materials



Jones,  P. (Producer). (2007). The American Heart Association diet:  Eating plan for healthy people.

           [DVD]. Los Angeles, CA: Maxwell.

Example of In-Text Citation: (Jones, 2007).

Movie / Motion Picture

Second, D. (Producer), & Wright, R. (Director). (2005). Story of Ron. [Motion Picture]. France:


Example of In-Text Citation: (Second & Wright, 2005).

Sound Recording

McNiel,  K. D. (2007). Window and the frame. On Family songs [CD]. New York: Family Records.

Example of In-Text Citation: (McNiel, 2007).

Single Episode from a Television Series

Egan, D. (Writer), & Alexander, J. (Director). (2005). Failure to communicate  [Television series

          episode]. In  D. Shore (Executive Producer),  House.  New York, NY: Fox Broadcasting.

Example of In-Text Citation: (Egan, 2005).

NOTE: “Failure to communicate” is the title of the specific episode.  “House” is the name of the television series on the Fox network.

This is a partial guide and is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The complete handbook is available in the Delta College Library (Call Number (Reference section): PN 147 .A5 2010).