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Copy of Change Your World Week for grading


banner text reads: Sociology for a better world: this is a page created by christina miller-bellor's students

Create your page!

This box will not be visible on the public page!

Working with Boxes

  1. Create a box by clicking on Add Box at the bottom of the page. Type the name or title of your box into the space labeled "Box Name." Then use the Position drop-down menu to choose where on the page you would like your box to be. Then click save in the lower left.
  2. Add content to your box.  Underneath your box title, you will see a drop-down menu labeled Add/Reorder. Click on this and see some choices including Rich Text/HTML and Media/Widget.
    • RichText/HTML: This is the option you are most likely to need. Use this option to enter text and photos directly into the webpage.
    • Link: Do not use this. Put links in your rich-text field instead.
    • Media/Widget: Use this to embed a video from YouTube or other video service.
    • Document/File: In the pop-up dialog box, give your document a title and description and upload it from your computer by clicking Select File. If it's an online document, add it as a link instead using the Rich Text/HTML option. 
    • Poll: An optional poll and directions for using it are included on every student page.
    • Other: These options are for library use only.
  3. Edit a box title by clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the box title.
  4. Edit a rich-text field by clicking the drop-down menu in the lower right corner of the box and choosing edit. Make your changes and click save in the lower left corner. If you are on a smaller mobile device, the rich-text editor might not completely display on your screen and the save button could be hidden. If you don’t see a save button, try reducing the size of the webpage in your screen using control/command + minus. 
  5. Delete a box by clicking on the X to the right of the box title. Once an item is deleted, it can't be restored and must be rebuilt from scratch.
  6. Re-order boxes by clicking on the drop-down menu labeled "Page" at the top of your webpage in between your first box and the main menu. Use this menu only for re-ordering boxes! Choose boxes and then drag your boxes into the preferred order. Don't put boxes in the left column. The menu will get bigger and push your content down lower on the page. Click save when you are done.

The content you put in your boxes like Rich Text, Media/Widgets and Polls all have their own drop-down menu for editing and deleting them. It's important to choose the right drop-down menu for the right item and it can get confusing. 


What Do You Think?

If you would like to ask the people who visit your webpage a question, use the poll feature. 

  • Use the drop-down menu directly under the submit button of the poll to edit the poll.
    • Type your question into the poll title box
    • Type possible responses into the choice boxes.
    • Do NOT use the clear votes option, unless you want ALL responses cleared. This can't be undone.
    • You don't need a URL, just leave it blank.

If you don't want a poll, simply remove this box by clicking the X in the upper right corner.

To keep the poll but remove these instructions, use the drop-down menu in the bottom right corner of the section above the poll to delete them.

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Total Votes: 0