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MLA 2016 Eighth Edition Format and Style Guide

MLA 2016 Eighth Edition Format and Style Guide

MLA 2016 Eighth Editiion Format for Electronic Databases and Some Web Sources


EBSCO Database Magazine Article

Labos, Christopher.  "All the Buzz." Maclean's, 18 Jan. 2016, p. 50.  Readers' Guide Full Text Mega,  

  Accessed 27 Aug. 2016.

Example of In-Text Citation: (Labos 50).

PLEASE NOTE: The EBSCO database contains a variety of individual subject databases that lead you to magazine and journal articles. Usually, a record for the citation will indicate which subject database has the article or citation. In this instance, “Readers’ Guide Full Text Mega” has this article. If there is no DOI listed, usually, EBSCO offers a “Permalink” that can be used to access the article if you logged into the EBSCO database.   is one such permalink.

EBSCO Database Journal Article

Ducatti, Flister. “The Economic Case for Marijuana Legalization in Canada.” Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences,

          vol. 5, no. 1, 2012, pp. 96-100. OmniFile Full Text Select,


Example of In-Text Citation:  (Ducatti 97).

Gale/InfoTrac Database Magazine Article

Labos, Christopher. “All the Buzz.” Maclean’s, 18 Jan. 2016, p. 50. General OneFile,



Example of In-Text Citation:  (Labos 50).

Gale/InfoTrac Database Journal Article

Piotrowski, Chris. “Energy Drinks: Topical Domain in the Emerging Literature and Neglected Areas of Research.”

           College Student Journal, vol. 48, no. 3, 2014, pp. 375-377. General OneFile,



Example of In-Text Citation:  (Piotrowski 377).

ERIC (Online) Governmental Database

Vacca, James S. “Autistic Children Can Be Taught to Read.” International Journal of Special Education, vol.22, no. 3,

          pp. 54-61, 2007. ERIC, .

Example of In-Text Citation:  (Vacca  55).

JSTOR Database (with DOI)

Ellingsen, Eric, “In the Listenings: The Gold Waxes.” World Literature Today, vol. 89, no. 1, 2015, pp. 30-32, JSTOR,

         doi:10.7588/worllitetoda.89.1.0030.  Accessed 25 Aug. 2016.

Example of In-Text Citation:  (Ellingsen  30).

Sources ON the WEB

There are many articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers available on the Web. They are not in any free or fee-based databases.

Article from an Online Journal

Shah, Parilah Mohd,and Fauziah Ahmad. “A Comparative Account of the Bilingual Education Programs in Malaysia and the United

          States.” GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, vol. 199, no. 2, Jan. 2015, pp.99-125, doi: 10.1354/gojl.2000.0034.

Example of In-Text Citation:   (Shah and Ahmad 120).

Article from an Online Newspaper

Small, Charles and James Tatalias. “Knowledge Management Model Guides KM Process.” EDGE Newsletter, 5 May 2011, p. 5,


Example of In-Text Citation:   (Small and Tatalias 5)

Book (eBook) Online

Coltrane, Scott. Family Man: Fatherhood, Housework, and Gender Equity. Oxford, 1996.

          Good Reads Are Here, www.goodreadsarehere/familyman.

Example of In-Text Citation:   (Coltrane).

Torrey, Rita. Nurses and the Medical Profession, Nursing Publishing, 2016. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost).

Example of In-Text Citation:   (Torrey 25).

Email Messages

Mattley, Michael. “Re: Meeting this afternoon.” Received by Michele Jenkins, 5 May 2016.  

Example of In-Text Citation:  (Mattley).

These examples are based on The MLA Handbook Eighth Edition (Reference LB 2369 .G53 2016) and The Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL).