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Change Your World Week Winter 2022 (Archived)

This website features links to student-designed web pages to raise awareness on issues they have researched, as well as election-related information such as races, candidates, and ballot initiatives. Each page represents student work to inform their peers

Hope for the Homeless

Cartoon headshots of various people. Caption reads This is a Student-Created webpage.

Homelessness Statistics in the USA

Homelessness in the United States- 2019


2021 Homelessness Demographics


When we think about homeless people in America, it's possible that not many actually know how many individuals are homeless. "In January 2020, there were 580,466 people experiencing homelessness in America. Most were individuals (70 percent), and the rest were people living in families with children. They lived in every state and territory, and they reflected the diversity of our country" ("State Of Homelessness: 2021 Edition", National Alliance to end homelessness, 16 Aug 2021."). When people are homeless, they typically have really no place to go, so they camp out on the street most of the time. Some places, like Los Angeles, will not allow it, "The city passes a ban on camping and is set to clear 70 spots with hundreds more possibly on the horizon" ("Clearing Camps",16 Nov 2021). Supporting those that are homeless and providing access to food, shelter, and transportation is important to the welfare of our communities.

The Reality of Homelessness


Hi, my name is Amber Hardy and I know someone who is homeless. His name is Larry and I have known him for the last year and a half. You probably want to know how I met a homeless man. I work at a Walmart and Larry is a customer that comes in to my work everyday and tells me hi. He also gets along very well with some of the other associates too. The reason why Larry comes into Walmart everyday is because he has to walk to the McDonalds to get his medication for his schizophrenia. A person from the shelter goes there and makes sure that Larry takes his medication. Since Larry walks everywhere this past winter I bought him a heavy winter jacket and a nice spring jacket to wear so he was not getting sick. Sometimes customers make fun of Larry because he is homeless and they do not understand him, but Larry ignores them. Larry may be homeless but he is a good person and tries to stay positive in the situation he is in. 


Student Homelessness Statistics


"Public school data reported to the U.S. Department of Education during the 2018-2019 school year shows that an estimated 34,853 public school students experienced homelessness over the course of the year. Of that total, 675 students were unsheltered, 4,922 were in shelters, 2,502 were inhotels/motels, and 26,754 were doubled up." (, Michigan Homelessness Statistics)

Even though there are a lot of homeless students, the US Department of Education provides certain rights to homeless students, which are the following, 

  • "If it is in their best interest, homeless students have the right to stay in the school they attended when permanetly housed or the one in which they were last enrolled in 
  • A school is required to enroll homeless students if it is in their best interest, even without records normally needed for enrollment 
  • transportation must be provided to and from school. Parents can request for this transportation, or if its for an unaccompanied youth, the liaison every local educational agency is required to have can make the request
  • All programs and services for which homeless students are eligible to receive must be made available for these students 
  • Unaccompanied youth, parents, and guardians can dispute an eligibility, school section, or enrollment decision"  (Morgan, Hani. "What Every Educator Needs to Know About America's Homeless Students."  Clearing House, vol. 91, no. 6, Nov.2018 , pp 215-21. EBSCOhost,



Solutions: How You Can Help


1) Housing

Housing is a great first step towards helping our community and providing care for those in need. Like it was stated by Jeff Olivet, the CEO of the Center for Social Innovation, "Housing provides a stable launchpad from which people can get and keep a job, address mental illness and substance use, take care of their health and nutrition, and find purposeful roles in the community" (Olivet, Feb. 15, 2017). Without housing, people are less likely to have a job, have enough food to support themselves or a family, and are more likely to become a victim to substance abuse. Children and students are some of the most impacted by homelessness; with about 2.5 million children living homeless in America (Schools on Wheels, 2022). Some ways that you can help out your community is through this petition to help homeless children in Michigan, which aims to increase funding for food and housing for children. Or, though this petition for housing for college students, which aims to increase free housing for college students during school breaks. It also brings awareness to the foster care system and offers ways for you to help.


2) Transportation

Aside from housing, transportation is another super important thing for helping out the homeless and supporting the community. Without transportation, many people aren't able to go to school, work, or even the hospital for emergencies or doctors appointments. Public transportation is already available in most cities or towns through organizations like County Connections. Likewise, this petition for free public transportation in Michigan offers free transportation for those in need. (i need more to put here but idk what) ( we could use the quote about how schools help homeless kids to get back and forth from school)


3) Counseling and Healthcare

Ever since Covid-19, mental health and mental health awareness is on the rise. For those who are homeless or adolescent, mental health can be an important issue and without the proper care and support, individuals are more likely to fall victim to substance abuse. According to, "Approximately 37% of homeless people report that they are alcohol abusers or alcoholics and 27% report that they are drug abusers or drug addicts." (, 2017). Healthcare is also important for the homeless and the community in general. Providing adequate mental and physical care to individuals is super important and should be more accessible to those in need. Some ways you can help out the community would be through this petition for adolescent psychiatric assistance. If you would like to learn more information about statistics and resources, head this is website about Healthcare and Housing for All


1A. "Clearing Camps: The Pandemic, America's Cities, And Homelessness," 16 Nov 2021."

"State Of Homelessness: 2021 Edition", National Alliance to end homelessness, 16 Aug 2021."

What Do You Think?

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