The formation of dental biofilm( or dental plaque) consists of several steps. Dental plaque is a sticky film composed of bacteria. If plaque is left untreated; it can advance to periodontitis.
Periodontal Disease awareness is very important because of the effects it has not only orally, but throughout your entire body. People need the basics on where periodontal disease comes from and how to prevent it, because preventing it is so easy!
In order to reach a wider variety of people, dental offices could have community dental days where the costs of exams and cleanings are low to bring in people who don't have insurance, or access to dental care. Doctors and hygienist can inform the patient about their oral hygiene and discuss what can happen if they see the patient's hygiene isn't the best.
Here you will find a link to to sign, that community day for dental offices in the United States, should be mandatory!
Cleveland Clinic (November 2020). Periodontitis. Retrieved from (2021). Manual Tooth Brushing and Flossing Technique. Retrieved from
Mayo Clinic ( February 2020). Periodontitis. Retrieved from
Woodyard Perio (2016). How Your Mouth Talks to Your Body. Retrieved from