The library has many ways to provide access to materials for you and your students!
Is your assigned text available online in Delta Library's eBook collection? Visit Assigned Texts Online to see what is available for your class. When possible we purchase multiple user licenses for class texts, however, some are limited to one user at a time. All texts are available online to any Delta student with internet access.
Course Reserves is a collection of library and instructor-owned materials that have been separated for restricted use. Students have access to materials placed on reserve for two-hour, four-hour, overnight, one-day, three-day, one week, one semester loan or library use only, as specified by the instructor. Fill out a Course Reserves form for each item you would like to place on reserve and bring your items to the circulation desk to put them on Reserve.
Guidelines affecting reserve items:
Everyone knows Delta College has amazing faculty! You might not know that many faculty members are also authors. The Delta College Authors Collection includes many works by Delta College Faculty. The collection is located next to the Reference Desk and it has its own collection location code in the library online catalog. Are you a faculty member who has authored a recent work that you would like to add to the Delta Author's collection? Contact the library today!
The Library offers access to both a small, traditional print collection of reference books and extensive online reference materials. The print collection of easily accessible, commonly used works sits behind the reference desk in the library and includes material like the WorldBook Encyclopedia, subject encyclopedias, Statistical Abstracts of the United States, DSM-5 and the World Factbook. Print reference material does not check out but students can take the material to their library study space, make photocopies or scan needed pages.
Online reference collections include CREDO Reference, Biography Reference Center, Companion to Contemporary Art Since 1945, Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance, Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health, History Reference Center, Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center, Home Improvement Reference Center, Legal Information Reference Center, Literary Reference Center, Poetry and Short Story Reference Center, Points of View Reference Center, Science Reference Center, Small Business Reference Center, Small Engine Repair Reference Center and Statistical Abstracts of the United States. All of the online Reference Collections are available through the A-Z List of Databases.
Almost all of the library's 50,000 titles are part of the circulating collection and can be check out. The collection supports the curriculum of Delta College as well as lifelong learning and leisure reading. The circulating collection includes graphic novels, popular fiction, children's literature, teen literature and the Delta Author's collection. If you would like to request materials for purchase for the library's collections please fill out a purchase material request.
The library subscribes to over 100 Databases to provide students access to high quality, credible sources for research. The complete list of Delta Library database is available on the A-Z list of Databases. The Library relies on faculty review and recommendations for electronic resources. If you have an electronic resource that you are interested in please contact the library.
The library maintains a small collection of print periodicals. Print periodicals do not check out but students may read them in the library. The collection includes many general interest titles including People, ESPN magazine, Sports Illustrated and Car and Driver. The library also carries several trade publications and scholarly journals including Science, RN, New England Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Nursing and the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Many of these publications are indexed in our electronic databases allowing for easier article discovery .
The library has a growing number of online periodical subscriptions including Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Clinical Advances in Periodontology, Journal of Periodontology, Journal of the American Medical Association, Michigan Historical Review, Journal of Pediatric Health Care, Journal of Gerontological Nursing, Journal of Women's History and Past and Present. Access these journals by title from the A-Z list of databases.
The Collection Development Statement provides a basis for the systematic development of Delta College Library's collections in light of our mission statement. This statement sets forth the criteria used in selecting and deselecting library materials and will be reviewed regularly. This collection of guidelines was developed as a reference for the library staff. It also provides an opportunity for the faculty and administration to understand the library collection development objectives and the plan to achieve these objectives.