Welcome to our page: Afford the Future! We are four students who are working and advocating for affordable education.
Most higher paying jobs require at least an associates degree. A report from dbusiness.com stated 70 % of jobs in Michigan in 2020 require a higher education beyond high school. Only 37% of Michigan’s working age population has even pursued a higher education.
H., By, Detroit, H., & -. (2018, December 13). Report: 70% of Michigan jobs will require higher education in 2020. Retrieved March 04, 2021, from https://www.dbusiness.com/daily-news/report-70-of-michigan-jobs-will-require-higher-education-in-2020/
Lewison, Kiera. “Here's Why College Is So Expensive: The Answer Is Obvious.” University of the People, 22 Nov. 2020, www.uopeople.edu/blog/why-college-is-so-expensive/.
Edelson, David. How Does a College Degree Improve Graduates' Employment and Earnings Potential? 27 Feb. 2020, www.aplu.org/projects- and-initiatives/college-costs-tuition-and-financial-aid/publicuvalues/employment- earnings.html#:~:text=On%20an%20annual%20basis%2C%20bachelor's,is%20a%20high%20school%20diploma.&text=The%20earnings%20gap%20between%20college,less%20education%20continues%20to%20widen.
Policy Solutions
Dickler-Jessica, “Free college could become a reality under a Biden administration” (published Mon, Jan. 18 2021, 9:45 AM EST) www.cnbc.com/2021/01/18/biden-administration-free-college.html , accessed on 2Mar2021
Roseth-Bob, “Student Debt Crisis and Possible Solutions” (December 13, 2019) www.washington.edu/uwra/2019/12/13/student-debt-crisis-and-possible-solutions/ , accessed on 2Mar2021
Students, parents, employers, banks/loan institutions, college board members, tax payers, and lawmakers are all affected by college costs.
There are a lot who have a say in making education affordable, but it all starts with you! Here is the Michigan District Map where you can find what district you are in. Also follow the section entitled "Help Us Take Action!" with a link to find your representative and help make a change!
Vince Norton. (3/16/2018). Why Free College is a Bad Idea. Norton Norris Incorporated.
Retrieved March 2, 2021 from: Why Free College is a Bad Idea (nortonnorris.com)
Send a letter to your representative to help make college affordable for everyone! Click here to find your house representative!